(2) - How to Link on Same Page ... want to make a list at the top of the page and link each Title to the actual subject. This is for separate (pages) meaning TABs like you created above.
Click *Here* I Need to fix this
(3) - Shorten Curtains ...are your curtains to long and dragging the floor? Check out this Tutorial on How I shortened mine. Step by Step pics and directions. VERY EASY. Click *HERE*
The following are soon to come. Adding things as I think of them.
(4) - Molding Cabochons (Flat Back Buttons no Holes) are you buying silicone molds but not quite sure how to use them and make your own Cabochons? I Need to fix this
(5) - Making Toilet Paper Tube Flowers. Yes there are different videos out these on YouTube for this. I watched a few after I found out someone had already came up with the idea. I changed mine a bit. Hope these have not been done yet. I Need to fix this
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